In today’s fast-paced world, people often overlook the most precious resource they possess: time. While money can be earned, saved, or spent, time is finite; once lost, it’s gone forever. Yet, how often do we factor time into the equation when making decisions? Many of us unconsciously waste hours on tasks that don’t align with our values or goals, unknowingly trading time for little to no return. But what if we started valuing our time like money? Imagine this scenario: you need to pick up an item from the other side of town, and it will take you an hour to get there. If you value yourself at ₹1000 per hour, that trip essentially costs you ₹1000. When we look at decisions purely in terms of money, it’s easy to see what a waste it could be, but time isn’t factored in because it feels less tangible. People often find themselves in situations where they prioritize saving a small amount of money but end up losing precious hours. What they don’t realize is that the time lost could have bee...
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