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Showing posts from October, 2024

The Doing Deficit !?

We all aspire to master something—whether it's writing, programming, painting, teaching, playing an instrument, cooking, public speaking, or fitness. So what’s stopping us? It's not a lack of knowledge—we watch plenty of YouTube tutorials and read enough self-help books. What we actually face is a doing deficit . To become good at any skill, deliberate practice is essential. Want to be a better writer? Write at least one page every day. Want to be a skilled programmer? Code daily. Want to be fluent in a language? Practice it consistently. So how do you overcome the doing deficit?      1. Start small: Set a daily goal that’s easy to commit to.      2. Focus on the process: Don’t worry about immediate results; they will come with time.      3. Track your progress: Even if daily improvements seem small, tracking them over time shows how much you’ve grown.      4. Embrace discomfort: Mistakes are part of the process—growth happens outside your comfort zone.      5. Find